Thursday, June 19, 2008

Those darned Democrats!

I was watching the news this morning. I heard President Bush blame the Democrats in Congress for the soaring oil prices. I swear, that's what I heard him say.

Bush said Wednesday that in the short term, the U.S. economy would continue to rely on oil, and he attacked Congress for blocking his repeated calls for drilling in the Arctic.

"Unfortunately, Democrats on Capitol Hill have rejected every proposal," said Bush, flanked by his Energy and Interior secretaries in the White House Rose Garden. "And Americans are paying the price at the pump."
(LA Times)

It's all the Democrat's fault since they put the ban on drilling in the Artic so now he wants to implement off shore drilling. All because of the Democrats. Nothing to do with the profiteering oil companies or oil speculators. Nothing to do with oil rich countries holding the US by the balls. Nope, it's all the fault of those damned Democrats in Congress.

Wonder who writes this crap for him?

1 comment:

CatQuilter said...

Interesting to note that if the ban on off shore is to be lifted, it will take an act of Congress AND repeal of a presidential order. Guess Bushie will have to repeal one of dear ol' dad's orders. Ironic, eh?