Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What's all the noise about?

President Bush (younger) addressed the school children in 1991. It was available to all the schools across the nation. What's the big hooey about President Obama addressing school children? All the noise is nothing but right wing politics and bigotry.

Once again, America looks foolish in the eyes of the world.


Kelly's Kwips said...

I agree! Our school took a survey to see if they would show it or not. Each teacher could show it in their classroom if they wanted. My husband's high school class voted and 8 out of the 10 didn't want to watch it. I read the speech on the Internet, it was great! Just what I would expect it to be. I'm very disappointed in these people. So sad. Love your posts!

Iva said...

I so agree with you, Suzan. It upsets me immensely that our country cannot seem to move forward into the 21st century and think and behave in a more progressive manner! All the hysteria and inflammatory garbage taking place these days, as well as those who are fanning the flames, is dangerous and insane. I just don't understand this kind of thinking and behaving.