Thursday, July 31, 2008

Political ads

Who the heck did John McCain hire to produce his political advertisements?! He actually says at the end that he endorses the ads. If this guy can't do a better job of finding someone to "market" him, it surely doesn't say much for his abilities to choose a cabinet or advisers were he (gasp!!) elected President!

And while I am ranting...what the heck is this garbage about Barack Obama being elitist? John McCain is the son of an admiral in the Navy (not exactly a deprived childhood)and married to an heiress raised in affluent circumstances. Barack Obama is the child a broken home and was raised by his grandparents in Kansas. Michelle Obama's father was a city water plant employee and her mother was a secretary for Spiegel catalog in Chicago. Elitist? Such crap!


Unknown said...

I can't believe that you are drinking the Obama Kool-Aid! Do you like him just because he speaks well or is younger and more attractive? Here is a guy with 140 days of experience in the Senate and you are ga-ga about him. Have you even listened to any of his speeches? This guy wants to end world poverty be making the American people pay for it! He calls it "redistributing the wealth", I call it let me raise your taxes and screw you over! His idea to lower fuel prices is to make sure your tires are inflated and to get a tune-up. He has no intention of helping anyone. He just wants to turn this country into another socialist state like Europe. Did anyone read his book! He said so himself! Like I said keep drinking the Kool-Aid and see your freedoms and money be controlled by your friendly government.

Joan J said...

You'll have to forgive me -- I never make political comments on someone's blog I'm visiting for the first time, but I can't avoid this one. Obama is absolutely an "elitist" -- the definition of which is: "consciousness of or pride in belonging to a select or favored group." Obama, who seems to forget he is half-white, is playing the race card for all it's worth and getting votes for that simple fact. I agree with your son 100%. You're buying a bill of goods that is going to cause nothing but sky high prices, higher taxes, and no positive changes for our country. I'm not a McCain fan either, just for the record! It's a sorry statement about our country when I have to vote for the "lesser of two evils"... But vote I will!