Saturday, October 17, 2009

“Balloon Boy”

Apparently there is a special announcement coming from the parents of the child now called “balloon boy” after he supposedly drifted off in the family’s hot air balloon.  What I would like to hear is a special announcement from the federal government regarding this entire flaky mess, one with a price tag attached.  Helicopters were scrambled, police and rescue personnel were chasing the balloon and the media was eating it up.  The family got lots of concern and subsequent publicity. 

Just how much did this bit of foolishness cost?


joanne said...

I checked several times during the day hoping to catch the big announcement. OMG what a bunch of nuts. I hope there will be an announcement soon that they will be arrested and charged for all the commotion they caused. Take care S...jj

The Calico Cat said...

I read that the price for the two helicopters was about $14,500.

Who will pay this bill? (Maybe we can send it to one of those "my taxes shouldn't pay for your healthcare dimwits." But only after they get their tax refund - becasue quite a few of those yaloos don't "pay" taxes after all.)

Did I just go off subject? OOPS.

The Calico Quilter said...

Yeah, those idiots have cost the government a pretty penny with their antics. What fools. I was concerned that the poor child got so agitated when questioned on TV about the episode that he vomited - twice. Just what are they doing to the poor kid?