Monday, September 1, 2008

Family Values

Guess that "Family Values" will not be part of the Republican platform this time around.

I'm just saying...


The Calico Quilter said...

A couple of things keep running through my head. If Bristol Palin is 5 months pregnant, that would put her conceiving in April, about the same time Sarah Palin delivered her child with Downs Syndrome. Was Palin so preoccupied with the governor's office and simultaneously with the ramifications of her pregnancy and the diagnosis in utero of her child's disability that she let Bristol and Bristol's needs slip that far off the radar? Was either parent alert to possible warning signs that her teen's romance might have been getting out of control? And where was that boy's family during all of this? I saw a picture of them at the convention and he had Bristol's name tattooed on his hand. I didn't see anything more about this tattoo, but if it's been there a while it should have been setting off all kinds of alarm bells in his household. Was anyone paying any attention to these kids?

And just what are the boy's parents thinking, letting him be dragged into this political three ring circus? I thought it was pretty sleazy, trotting him out at the convention. They're milking him like a prize Guernsey for her campaign's benefit. Whatever else, he looks like a dolt to me - getting the governor's daughter pregnant. Maybe he's lucky they're not in the South: in Georgia, they convicted a boy of statutory rape for having sex with another minor. And sent him to prison.

The same situation that the religious right decries in minorities and the poor as indicative of a lack of morals is somehow ok in the governor's family. Oh, yeah, they're going to get married. That makes everything all right. Poor kids.

Irene said...

I can't imagine any mother who would put all her family in the spotlight like she has for political gain. If McCain thought he would pick up the female vote with this pick, I think he was sadly mistaken.

The Calico Cat said...

Are they ever?