Monday, September 22, 2008

Good Grief!!

Just because John McCain added Sarah Palin to the ticket, (some) women have suddenly decided that he understands issues important to women. No, ladies...he doesn't. He simply knew that adding a younger, attractive woman to the ticket would be a big hit. Please try to remember...Sarah Palin would be a heartbeat away from the Presidency. A HEARTBEAT! Even some Republican members of Congress admit that she is unqualified. She was mayor of a little town in Alaska and then governor of a state with a population of less than 700,000 people. Get a grip! Someone asked me how I thought she was elected to be governor. Best guess...Alaska's male population is larger than the female population. A good looking woman who likes guns? Hell, she was a shoe in for the male vote. For the female vote - well, let's be honest. Some women will just vote for a woman because she is one...sadly.


Eventmom said...

I agree!!!!

Jeanne said...

(Every time I think about her, I shake my head and say 'they've got to be kidding.')

The Calico Cat said...

You might like the link that I have in my blog today...

Katie Couric is going to interview her - I hope katie does a better job that Charlie did... (I still think that Charlie shoufd have called her on "You can see Russia from a Island in Alaska." Yeah well waht about that big ole border with Canada? - Oh yeah, there are quite a few states that border Canada & they are not climing that as foreign policy experience...)