Sunday, January 3, 2010


I don't "do" New Year's resolutions.  The past few years I have had no real goals, no real plans, no real thoughts about the future.  The last time I was really excited about the beginning of a new year was 2000.  It was the beginning of a new decade and the real beginning of my new life in the Pacific Northwest.  I started that year with hope and joy and my heart was truly filled.

These many years later I found myself in a very sad place.  My heart was not filled with joy or hope.  My only goal was to get from one day to the next.  I was living in a place surrounded by beauty and could not see it.  I could only think about the past and how much I missed Seattle. 

Perhaps it is because this is the beginning of a new decade or maybe it is because I am finally finding myself again.  For the first time in a very long time, I feel hope.  I feel joy.  I have a sense of energy.  Life is not perfect but 2010 will bring good things.

I am looking forward to the birth of my newest grandson and all the excitement that entails. I am so happy about my little business and thinking about ways to get my name and my products "out there". I am excited about the changes that are anticipated by the company that I work for and how those changes will impact me. I am looking forward to adding a deck to my house and maybe even adding a fireplace of sorts. I am delighted about the gazillion yards of fabric in my studio and all the quilts that I hope to complete this new year.

2010 brings the "re-NEWed" Suzan.  I am pretty excited about seeing her again!!

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