Saturday, May 23, 2009

Memorial Day 2009

I am an Army brat. My father retired 42 years ago but I am still an Army brat. That is something that stays with you for your entire life.

I was raised on and off Army bases in the US and in Japan. I watched my dad jump out of airplanes. I played touch football on parade fields and swam in the officer's club pool. I went to 5 different schools when I was in the second grade. I played with other grubby kids and made forts in the woods near our quarters in Virginia. I discovered my first fossil when we were living in Kansas. I saw my dad in his dress blues and my mom in a beautiful formal going to the General's ball. I rode in a HU1D helicopter and was amazed that my dad knew how to fly that thing. I got out of bed very early one morning and watched my father leave for Viet Nam. I know first hand how scary it is when your father is half a world away, in danger every day and the only real communication you have is a letter in the mail.

For a number of people, Memorial Day is nothing more really than the kickoff of the summer barbecue season and a good opportunity to gather with friends and family. My hope is that everyone takes at least a moment today to reflect upon the sacrifices made by the men and women who have served and are serving in defense of our country and our freedoms. Please also remember the families of those that serve.

God bless America.

1 comment:

Kate Riley said...

Hi Susan ! God Bless America !

Hey, you mentioned that you want the hardware from my dresser. It's yours ! I'll send it to you for free, just email me your address.
