Monday, May 4, 2009

Got rain?

We sure do! I do love rain so it isn't much of a hardship for me but it does make driving more of a challenge. Have you noticed there are still some bozos driving around in the rain without their headlights turned on? It is one of those things that makes me crazy.

On another subject entirely, on my way this morning to one of our company's other branches I saw a female mallard that had been chased onto the road by 3 male mallards. Some fool hit her which was awful and then I saw the males swarming around her trying to help her. I was informed they were not trying to help - they were trying to mate with her. I had a really tough time holding back the sexist comment that came to mind...


Kelly's Kwips said...

That was a funny comment. We have a lot of rain here in Missouri also. I have those auto lights on my car that never have to be turned on or off and it drives me crazy when my husband turns them off. Oh well.

The Calico Quilter said...

Sexist comment: go ahead, where it not here?

As for headlights and rain - my latest car has the headlights that turn off when you turn the car off, precluding the "dead battery in the rain" misery when you forget to shut off the headlights when you get home. I always thought these kinds of things were gimmicks until I owned them. I guess I would think myself ill used if I had to cope with a car again as sparsely-equipped as my mid-60's VW beetle or the 1975 Valiant we had. Spoiled...