Wednesday, December 31, 2008

"Just plain wrong"

Sounds like Bill Clinton, doesn't it? Anyway, I have a bug in my ear about something right now so I am going to share. (Such a treat!)

This crouton, the governor of Illinois (Rod Blagojevich), decided to appoint a new Senator to fill Obama's seat regardless of the fact that Blagojevic has been arrested for political corruption for trying to "sell" that same Senate seat. He named a man who appears to be decent, hard working and honest. Sadly, Roland Burris will most likely not become a Senator regardless of his attributes because of Blagojevich. Everything the governor touches at this point turns to poison. It wasn't bad enough that he tried to "feather his nest" with money and perks in his attempt to sell the Senate seat. A man who may have been a very good Senator will not have the opportunity to serve because he is tainted with the stink of association.

It's wrong, people. It's just plain wrong.

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