Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Because it is making me crazy

I have been reading a lot of blogs that use this phrase when they want to highlight something: "Wa Lah!"  For the love of Pete!  It is "voila" (with a little accent mark over the a if your computer will do that for you.)  It is a French word.  It means "to see". 

I realize that it is a small matter, especially in light of the craziness going on in our country with homegrown terrorists and inflamed tea baggers.  I know that most readers just move past the phrase and keep on reading. 

It totally drives me around the bend.  Maybe I just need a nap.


Anonymous said...

ROTFL..... I know what you mean, stuff like that makes me crazy too!

The Calico Cat said...

I hear ya... My peeve: alot - it is a lot - two words.

The Calico Quilter said...

Oh, dear. I haven't run into that one and a good thing it is, too. I was either an editor or a 9th grade English teacher in a past life, because spelling and grammatical errors send me over the edge.