Monday, November 17, 2008

Anyone see "60 Minutes" last night?

Barack and Michelle Obama - finally a "real" couple in the White House! I loved their easy bantering back and forth. I love the true affection and dedication they have to their daughters. I am so happy this man is going to be our President...or have I mentioned that before?!

The countdown to Thanksgiving has begun. Dinner is a my house with my youngest son and his family, my parents and my brother and his daughter. I already know who eats what...or won't eat whatever. I have lists with the menu and recipes. I have a list of what china pieces I will use. I have a check list with a timetable down to what linens need to be ironed and by what day. (I am SO anal about stuff like this. I keep notebooks with dinner party guests, menus, what worked and what didn't going all the way back to when I lived in Seattle.)

I do the 2-1/2 hour turkey baking recipe. Have you seen it? It is truly amazing and the turkey comes out so moist and delicious. If you don't have the recipe and would like a copy, let me know and I will send it to you. The best part is that if you only have one oven, you can get the turkey done and kept warm while you use the oven for other things!


The Calico Cat said...

Big meals are so hard for me... heck small meals are hard for me. Invariable something is cold that should be hot...

I am not sure the length of time it takes, but I do my turkey using the America's Test Kitchen method - the bird starts out upside down...

I was going to "just" do a breast this year, but I will apparently be having what they serve in the hospital instead... :o)
(& trying to serve a breast...)

Unknown said...

I'm looking forward to all of the good Mom sure can cook! With that out of the way I can comment on the whole Obama thing. It's interesting to me that he ran on change in Washington...all his cabnet member seem to be all Clinton cronies. Are there really that few Democratic leaders? I guess this will be a continuation of the Clinton White House. What about his promise to not have lobbiest in his cabnet unless they were out of the business for two years? Woops...can anyone say Daschel? Oh well I guess nothing ever really changes. So I guess we will see what the Obama/Clinton White House has in store...I can't wait to get my new stimulus check!